Bearing Witness, acrylic & collage, 24x36” 2015
This work was completed over the course of a few years and finally exhibited in Shadowscapes in 2015. It now rests with the head librarian at the Powassan Public Library, Ontario.
Again with the emergence of things! How does it all happen? Where does it all come from? Humans have many answers to these questions. For my part, I am comfortable not knowing. So here is a representation of not knowing, yet, bearing witness to the fulfilling of the potential of whatever all this is.
The cosmos flower is surely one of the most beautiful emanations of this potential. So is the great blue Heron. A rocky shoreline on a river that extends to beginningless time. A honeycomb pattern of creation. The stars and galaxies and gases in the universe. And what is the distance between all that cosmic happening and the pupa that is maturing beneath a little piece of earth? It's a matter of scale, isn't it – humanity would benefit from a larger scale by which to see how the light falls on a great blue Heron standing on the shoreline. By which to see how the cosmos flowers wave in a gentle breeze. By which to bow to that long arc of justice or to the unknowable complexity of karma.
In bearing witness then, what other than love, patience, and kindness makes sense? Action. Sure, but can we do it without hate, agenda, and rigid expectation?